I hope you’re excited for our fifth week of French plans! Don’t forget you can always refer back to past emails by clicking on the calendar in Mme Amy’s virtual classroom below.
P.s. If you’re looking for Chinese New Year activities, please click on the dragon in Madame Amy’s Virtual classroom!
If you’re looking for French Valentine’s day activities, I’ve added several arts & crafts on our instagram page (with French vocabulary in the post description!).
Follow the weekly plan below step-by-step OR in any order you desire. The ultimate goal is to make learning quick, easy, and fun!
Here’s a link with all the accompanying downloads for this week.
Extra Resources:
Click the link at the end of each weekly plan to access “Madame Amy’s classroom” for extra French resources and support related to the week’s plans.
This week’s focus: Name writing, the alphabet, common words/phrases
Step 1. Parent & Child Video
Step 3. This Week’s French Tasks:
French Activity: To go along with our “son de la semaine”, we’re talking about “les animaux” in French this week! The activity below asks your child to draw and describe their pet animal. Do they not have one? No problem! They get to make up their own imaginary pet. Click for the worksheet, colouring page, and parent explanations.
MAKE IT FUN! <- click here to see different ways to complete this task
For those who are just joining us this winter, I had shared this with our fall participants and I think it’s a helpful tool to have so I’m sharing it again here. Why is it important? Because the images I chose are relevant to both English and French words, ensuring there’s no confusion with letter learning!
Click to download a large copy. If you have a printer, this also happens to look great on a wall!
Scholastics Online French Library: Access Library Here
- Username: student
- Password: reading1
- Access a ton of levelled digital French books! Many also have audio!
Step 1. Parent Instructions Video
Step 2. Parent & Child Video
The guessing jar : Le bocal à estimations
Being able to guess how many items there are by simply looking at a grouping is a great mathematical skills for JK/SKers to practice! It really helps them get a grasp on their numeracy skills. So in this week’s math, we will be playing a guessing game! How many candies (bonbons) do they think are in the jar?
After watching Mme Amy’s class, I suggest continuing this game at home. Use foods (blueberries, cereal, etc.) or small toys and stick them in various containers. Have your child guess (devine) how many ___ are in the jar.
Click the button below to download the worksheet plus a detailed translation & pronunciation sheet for parents!
French Vocabulary to use during this activity:
Observe = observe
Pron: “uhb-zair-vuh”
“Prends le temps d’observer” = Take your time to observe.
Pron: “Praw luh taw duhb-zair-vay”
Devine = guess
Pron: “duh-veen”
“Devine combien d’objets il contient.” = Guess how many objects it contains.
Pron: “Duh-veen kohm-bee-aih dub-jaih eel kohw-tee-aih”
Un bocal = a glass jar
Pron: “uh boh-kahl”
“Il y a combien de ____ dans le bocal?” = How many _____ are in the jar? (fill blank with the name of the item you’ve placed in the jar).
Pron: “Eel ee ah kohm-bee-aih duh ____ daw luh boh-kahl?”
Mon estimation = my guess
Pron: “Moh ness-tee-mah-syohw”
MAKE IT FUN! <- Fun ideas on how to practice your French counting
This week’s topic:We’re focusing on another one of our 5 senses this week. “On écoute avec nos oreilles!” (We listen with our ears).
Parent & Child Video
Scientific Activity:
Place a scarf or blindfold on your child and have them guess which items you are using to make a sound.
French Vocabulary for Noisy Items:
1. Print out or simply take a look at the French vocabulary cards provided below.
2. Focus on 2 or 3 or the cards at a time. Practice the words with your child.
3. Then, blindfold your child and have him/her guess which item you are using to make the noise.
4. Did they get it right? Oui? Bravo! Non? Essaie encore! (Try again)
5. Now it’s your turn! You put on the blindfold, they make a noise, and you guess which item made the noise! (Letting them feel like the teacher is an awesome learning opportunity for them!)
Outdoor Activity of the Week: Let’s go on a nature walk and track some animals! We’re looking at “des traces d’animaux” this week. (animal tracks)
Pron: “day trass dah-nee-moh”
This can be done whether or not you have snow where you are! Look for them (dans la boue) in mud instead. “daw lah boo”.
I’ve made some sample animal tacks to look for with French vocabulary. Save the image to your phone and use it while on your walk!
French vocabulary:
“Qu’est-ce que tu vois?” = what do you see?, Pron: “Kess-kuh tew vwah?”
“Je vois…” = I see, Pron: “Juh vwah”
“Les traces d’un animal” = tracks of an animal, Pron: “Lay trass duh nah-nee-mahl”
“On va suivre les traces.” = We’re going to follow the tracks., Pron: “Ohw vah swee-vruh lay trass”
“Ce sont les traces de quel animal?” = These are the tracks of which animal?
Pron: “Suh sohw lay trass duh kell ah-nee-mahl?”
“Je pense que se sont les traces d’un(e) …” = I think these are the tracks of a ________
Pron: “Juh pawss kuh suh sohw lay trass duh/dewn”
“Suis les traces!” = Follow the tracks!
Pron: “Swee lay trass”
À gauche vs. à droite = to the left vs. to the right
Pron: “Ah go-sh”, “ah drwaht”
Did you find another animal’s footprint?
Here’s a French blog article on footprints found in snow in Canada! If you’re elsewhere, do a quick google search and please be sure to share with us! It will be so interesting to see what you found!
Helpful Outdoor Vocabulary:
Messages to Madame
If you would like to send me videos or photos of your child’s work / French practice, I would love to see it! I’ve found the easiest way is through instagram stories, posts, or even private message to our account. Not a fan of instagram? Not to worry! Feel free to send anything my way via email. Just note that sometimes photos/videos can be too large to send!
I will always do my best to respond asap to help encourage your little one 🙂
Extra French Practice : Madame Amy’s Classroom
If you are looking for extra French resources and practice to support this week’s learning, click the link below (p.s. the link to the classroom changes each week). This is a mini website that allows you extra French practice related to each week’s plans! Let your child explore our virtual classroom by clicking on each of the items.
Special items to note:
– Click the bead jar (top right) to download a fun incentive to speak French with your child. Add a sticker or colour in one of the beads each time you speak French together, and decide a fun reward for when the jar is complete!
– Looking for more crafts/activities? Click Madame Amy to visit our instagram page for added French cheat sheets and other activities with French vocabulary support
I so appreciate you all being a part of this JK/SK learning community and I hope you enjoy your French plans this week. Please know that I am ALWAYS here to support you with any questions you may have.
Madame Amy 🙂