I hope you enjoyed our first week of French plans! I loved seeing your volcano pictures & videos, and I can see we’ve got some big fans of M. Mélangé (haha!). I’ve got a lot of fun learning planned for this week- enjoy les amis!
Follow the weekly plan below step-by-step OR in any order you desire. The ultimate goal is to make learning quick, easy, and fun!
Here’s a link with all the accompanying downloads for this week.
Extra Resources:
Click the link at the end of each weekly plan to access “Madame Amy’s classroom” for extra French resources and support related to the week’s plans.

This week’s focus: Name writing, the alphabet, common words/phrases
Step 1. Watch the parent instructions video.
Step 2. Watch the parent & child video
Step 3. Complete this week’s task.
Step 4. Complete this week’s letters and words of the week activities.
Step 1. Parent Instructions Video
Step 2. Parent & Child Video
Step 3. This Week’s French Tasks:
Mon journal:
Here’s a journal page to go along with this week’s plans. Circle the “jour de la semaine” (day of the week), circle the weather, circle how they are feeling that day, draw a picture of themselves, and write their age. This not only helps us practice our French, but is also a great conversation starter for speaking with your children.
Son de la semaine: Click to open a fun worksheet! Circle the sound é/er/ez (pronounced “ay”)
MAKE IT FUN! <- click here to see different ways to complete this task
For those who are just joining us this winter, I had shared this with our fall participants and I think it’s a helpful tool to have so I’m sharing it again here. Why is it important? Because the images I chose are relevant to both English and French words, ensuring there’s no confusion with letter learning!
Click to download a large copy. If you have a printer, this also happens to look great on a wall!
Scholastics Online French Library: Access Library Here
- Username: student
- Password: reading1
- Access a ton of levelled digital French books! Many also have audio!

This week’s focus:
We’re learning about about weight (le poids) and comparing different weights of various items. First, watch the parent & child class together to see Madame Amy complete this activity and learn the proper French vocabulary.
Step 1. Parent & Child Video
Step 2.
You need a set of scales! Don’t worry, there’s a very easy way of making your own at home. See mine below:

You need:
- un cintre = a clothes hanger (pron: “uh saih-truh”)
- deux tasses = two cups (pron: “duh tass”)
- deux cure-pipe = two pipe cleaners (pron: “duh kure-peep”), or an alternative: string (de la ficelle, pron: “duh lah fee-sell”), even shoestrings or dental floss will do the trick!
Poke holes into two opposite sides of each cup (just under the rims). Place the pipe cleaner or string inside to be able to hang the cups as if they’re buckets (as shown in photo), hang them onto your hanger. Hang the hanger somewhere where your child can place items inside! Fini (done!)
Step 3. Now you’re ready for the activity!
Which one is “plus lourd” (heavier) and which one is “plus léger” (lighter)? Let’s make some guesses and then see if we’re right! Click on the image below to open the activity & parent instructions.
Tip: It’s best to pick some items that are obviously heavy vs. light (ex: une roche = a rock vs. du papier = paper) just so that they can see that the lighter objects clearly go up on the scale and the heavier objects go down.
Counting, Colouring, and Movement
Just because this week’s theme isn’t counting doesn’t mean we shouldn’t always practice our counting en français! Below is a new version of one of our favourite activities! “Lance et colorie”. You throw a die and colour the item that is labelled with the number shown. If you’ve already coloured the image it lands on, you have to do that many jumping jack!
Click the image to download the worksheet & the parent pronunciation guide:
MAKE IT FUN! <- Fun ideas on how to practice your French counting

This week’s topic: A fun science experiment using water, oil, and food colouring!
Step 1. Parent Instructions Video
Step 2. Parent & Child Video
Some basic French vocabulary to assist you with this week’s science experiment:
Science Journal:
JK/SK has a huge range of abilities based on a child’s age and past experiences and so I always ensure worksheets can be modified to their needs. If your child can write, great! If not, not to worry at all- you can have them draw or even take photos and print and cut them out if they prefer it.

Freezing items in nature:
This week we’re making an ice mobile (un mobile de glace) with items found in nature.
Step 1. Go on a walk and bring a bag. Ask your child to collect various items found in nature (ex: leaves, small rocks, twigs, berries, flowers, etc.). Practice your French outdoor vocabulary as you go!
Step 2. Bring the items home and place scattered on a cookie sheet (see image below). Optional: add a piece of rope, looped to one side, if you would like the ability to hang this on a tree later.
Step 3. Add water and freeze (outside if it’s cold enough) or in your freezer if where you are isn’t below freezing (lucky you!!).
Step 4. Once frozen, bring in room temperature and in a couple minutes it will have melted just enough to remove the ice sculpture from the pan. If you decided to place a rope in it, hang the mobile on a tree branch and let your child observe. If you didn’t have a rope, observe on a table or in snow!
Step 5. Outdoor math activity: How many leaves were there? How many rocks? Branches? etc. Help your child make a tally chart of all the items you can find in the ice. Combien de ____ y a-t-il? (How many ____ are there?), pron: “kohm-bee-aih duh ___ ee ah teel?”
Helpful French vocabulary:
- C’est gelé (it’s frozen), pron: “saih juh-lay”
- De la glace (ice!), pron: “duh lah glass”
- C’est froid (the item is cold), pron: “saih frwah”, note if you’re saying it’s cold outside you say: Il fait froid, pron: “eel faih frwah”
- De l’eau (some water), pron: “duh loh”
- Des feuilles (some leaves), pron: “day fuh-ee”
- Des bâtons (some sticks), pron: “day bah-tohw”
Helpful Outdoor Vocabulary:

Messages to Madame
If you would like to send me videos or photos of your child’s work / French practice, I would love to see it! I’ve found the easiest way is through instagram stories, posts, or even private message to our account. Not a fan of instagram? Not to worry! Feel free to send anything my way via email. Just note that sometimes photos/videos can be too large to send!
I will always do my best to respond asap to help encourage your little one 🙂
Extra French Practice : Madame Amy’s Classroom
If you are looking for extra French resources and practice to support this week’s learning, click the link below (p.s. the link to the classroom changes each week). This is a mini website that allows you extra French practice related to each week’s plans! Let your child explore our virtual classroom by clicking on each of the items.
Special items to note:
– Click the bead jar (top right) to download a fun incentive to speak French with your child. Add a sticker or colour in one of the beads each time you speak French together, and decide a fun reward for when the jar is complete!
– Looking for more crafts/activities? Click Madame Amy to visit our instagram page for added French cheat sheets and other activities with French vocabulary support
I so appreciate you all being a part of this JK/SK learning community and I hope you enjoy your second week of winter French plans. Please know that I am ALWAYS here to support you with any questions you may have.
Madame Amy 🙂