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I can hardly believe it’s the very last week of our JK/SK full year program! Félicitations! Be sure to read the “Notes from Madame Amy” at the bottom of this week’s email with regards to some special last week details.

This week we will be reviewing many topics discussed in past classes.

Here’s a link with all the accompanying downloads for this week.

Extra Resources:

Click the link at the end of each weekly plan to access “Madame Amy’s classroom” for extra French resources and support related to the week’s plans.


Step 1. Watch the parent & child video

Step 2. Complete this week’s task.

Step 3. Complete this week’s letters and words of the week activities.


Step1. Parent & Child Video

Step 3. This Week’s French Tasks:

This week’s lesson is a fun review and guessing game about our favourite tunes, as well as a quick “au revoir” from M. Mélangé! Below you will find a journal to help your child write / draw about their hopes for this summer. Click the image below to download the worksheet as well as a translation and pronunciation support version for parents who need it. 

Alphabet & Counting Practice: 
I highly recommend continuing to practice the alphabet & counting with your child since that’s a skill we all use on the daily! I’m attaching the parent pronunciation cheat sheet below for anyone who needs it:

MAKE IT FUN! <- click here to see different ways to complete this task


For those who are just joining us this spring, I had shared this with our fall and winter participants and I think it’s a helpful tool to have so I’m sharing it again here. Why is it important? Because the images I chose are relevant to both English and French words, ensuring there’s no confusion with letter learning!
Click to download a large copy. If you have a printer, this also happens to look great on a wall!

Scholastics Online French Library: Access Library Here

  • Username: student
  • Password: reading1
  • Access a ton of levelled digital French books! Many also have audio!

This week’s focus: We’re going to be practicing our addition & subtraction skills with a fun game, as well as reviewing a few other concepts from past lessons.

Step 1. Parent & Child Video

This week’s activity:

Addition & Subtraction Game:
Complete the worksheet below by throwing a die and seeing what numbers you should add or subtract. Don’t forget to provide your child with options for math support (examples: their fingers, a ten frame, a number line, small toys, even food such as cheerios will do!).

Extra Practice Activities:
These activities may look familiar but they’re new versions! Use the activities below to practice some of the past concepts we’ve learned together.

MAKE IT FUN! <- Fun ideas on how to practice your French counting

This week’s topic:  Our final science class includes a fun experiment!


Step 2. Parent & Child Video

Activity of the Week:
If you would like to complete the science experiment alongside Madame Amy, watch the first few minutes and then stop it where it says “go get your materials”, then when you’re ready, start the experiment together. 

Some basic French vocabulary to use as you complete this science activity:

Science Journal:
JK/SK has a huge range of abilities based on a child’s age and past experiences and so I always ensure worksheets can be modified to their needs. If your child can write, great! If not, not to worry at all- you can have them draw or even take photos and print and cut them out if they prefer it. 

Outdoor Activity of the Week:

French Summer Bingo
I wanted to give you all a little French fun for the summer! Below you will find a bingo sheet with French summer vocabulary (and pronunciation!). If your child encounters an item/place found within one of the squares and uses the word in French (or learns the word in French), they get to place a sticker or X on that box. Come up with a fun summer reward for when all the boxes are complete!

Helpful Outdoor Vocabulary:

Messages to Madame

If you would like to send me videos or photos of your child’s work / French practice, I would love to see it! I’ve found the easiest way is through instagram stories, posts, or even private message to our account. Not a fan of instagram? Not to worry! Feel free to send anything my way via email. Just note that sometimes photos/videos can be too large to send!

I will always do my best to respond asap to help encourage your little one 🙂

Extra French Practice : Madame Amy’s Classroom

If you are looking for extra French resources and practice to support this week’s learning, click the link below (p.s. the link to the classroom changes each week). This is a mini website that allows you extra French practice related to each week’s plans! Let your child explore our virtual classroom by clicking on each of the items.

Special items to note:

  • Click the certificate to download a template to celebrate your completion of the program!
  • Click the laptop with yoga playing to watch some fun French yoga!

– Looking for more crafts/activities? Click Madame Amy to visit our instagram page for added French cheat sheets and other activities with French vocabulary support



This has been the most extensive project I have yet to embark on with 123 Petits Pas. The time and effort has been completely worth it for me in seeing your children’s progress. I am so so thankful and happy that you chose me to support you and your child in your French learning. I hope that you enjoyed your time learning, laughing, and singing alongside me this year! Merci mille fois les amis! Please know that I am always here to support you and answer any questions you may have. 

Until next time! À la prochaine les amis!

Madame Amy 🙂